
MBA Technologie & Innovation

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Offered By

Universität Liechtenstein

What you will learn?

MBA Technology & Innovation

Liechtenstein and the St. Gallen Rhine Valley as well as the bordering Eastern Switzerland, Vorarlberg, Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are characterized by technology-oriented companies with enormous innovative strength and international appeal. Almost 40% of the Principality's economic output comes from the industrial sector - almost twice as much as in the USA.

Face-to-face events
Each study module comprises two full course days: Friday and Saturday, all day from 8.00 a.m. The program comprises a total of 49 course days. The study modules are evenly distributed over approx. 20 months and take place every three to four weeks. The exact dates can be found in the module plan, which will be drawn up in spring for the next program start in summer.

Duration of study
Studies always start in June. The module phase is completed after approx. 22 months. Ideally, you should start writing your master's thesis around the middle, at the latest towards the end of the module phase. This means that you can successfully complete the degree within 20 to 24 months.

Self study
In addition to the face-to-face events, we ask you to allow enough time for self-study between the modules (for careful preparation and follow-up of the courses, for writing essays, working on case studies and preparing for exams) .

Each study module is checked by an examination. Depending on the course, the examinations are carried out in the form of exams, group and individual presentations, term papers (essays) and the processing of case studies.

master thesis
The completion of your MBA program is the creation, presentation and defense of your master's thesis. Your master's thesis can include an application-oriented project from corporate practice as well as a scientific research project. You have the following options:
  • Business project: Develop a solution to a challenge in business in general or a particular company in particular.
  • Business start-up project: create a business plan for a business idea or start-up.
  • Research project: Create a master's thesis based on a literature review and an empirical research project.

You are of course invited to work on a final project that will be of particular benefit to your company or employer. In addition to being supervised by the professors and lecturers of the course, the master’s phase is accompanied by a colloquium. Here you have the opportunity to present your project and your research method, to discuss them and to receive valuable feedback.


The courses take place on the premises of the University of Liechtenstein, Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz.


Fokus auf innovatives Unternehmertum

Der MBA Technology & Innovation fokussiert daher auf die kreative Gestaltung und unternehmerische Umsetzung von Innovationen zur nachhaltigen Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit technologieorientierter Unternehmen in der Region. Dies sichert den zukünftigen Unternehmenserfolg - insbesondere in technologieorientierten Industriezweigen in Hochlohnländern.

Im ersten Teil des Curriculums, "Business Basics" (11 Module, 22 ECTS), werden grundlegende betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse vermittelt, die für die erfolgreiche Ausübung einer Führungsposition unerlässlich sind.

Der zweite Teil (12 Module, 24 ECTS) umfasst Lehrveranstaltungen in der Vertiefung Innovations- und Technologiemanagement . Diese gliedern sich in die vier Untergruppen "Generate innovative ideas" (3 Module, 6 ECTS), "Manage technology and innovation" (3 Module, 6 ECTS), "Implement innovation" (3 Module, 6 ECTS) und "Develop leadership skills" (3 Module, 6 ECTS). Den Abschluss des Curriculums bildet dieMasterarbeit (13 ECTS), die durch ein Kolloquium (1 ECTS) zur Diskussion des methodischen Vorgehens vorbereitet und durch die Präsentation und Verteidigung abgeschlossen wird.

Academic degree : Master of Business Administration (MBA) 

Zulassung & Bewerbung

Welche Bewerber suchen wir?

Die Klassen des MBA Technology & Innovation rekrutieren sich aus äußerst talentierten und ambitionierten Fach- und Führungskräften aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen. Programmbewerber benötigen daher eine hohe Motivation, sich neues Wissen anzueignen, Neugierde, um komplexe Probleme zu durchdringen und Wissensdurst, um sich betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte anzueignen.

Reguläre Zulassungsmöglichkeiten:
  • Hochschulabschluss der Ausbildungsstufe (Bachelor, Master, Diplom etc.) mit mindestens 180 ECTS.
  • Erfolgreicher Abschluss einer einschlägigen tertiären Ausbildung und / oder Weiterbildung mit mindestens 60 ECTS sowie sechs Jahre Berufserfahrung, davon mindestens 3 Jahre im Fach der gewählten Ausbildung.
Sur dossier applications: In exceptional cases (maximum 15% of students), outstanding candidates can be considered beyond the regular options under certain conditions:
  • With Matura / Abitur: Matura certificate (Matura, Abitur, Vocational Matura, etc.) as well as six years of professional experience, of which 3 years must be in the subject.
  • Without Matura / Abitur: successful completion of at least three years at the upper secondary level as well as six years of professional experience, including three years in the subject. The ability to study must be checked on a case-by-case basis.

Scope: 23 modules (11 basic modules, 12 advanced modules in technology & innovation) plus master's thesis 

Lesson times : Friday and Saturday only, every 3-4 weeks 

Minimum duration of study : approx. 20 months (master's thesis parallel to the 3rd semester or subsequently in the 4th semester) 

Admission per group : approx. 15 students in the specialization, depending on the modules in the basic modules 

Language of instruction : German (some of the teaching materials are in English) 


University of Liechtenstein

Thomas Moll, MBA


9490 Vaduz


Telephone +423 265 11 87

Fax +423 265 11 12


This course includes:

  • Target Audience : Äußerst talentierte und ambitionierte Fach- und Führungskräfte aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen.
  • Start Date : Juni
  • Pricing : CHF 32,000 in 4 installments (1 before the start of the course, 3 at the start of the semester)
  • Duration & Setup : 20 - 24 Monate (Masterarbeit parallel zum 3. Semester oder nachträglich im 4. Semester)
  • Degree & Credits : 60 ECTS (23 modules x 2 ECTS + master thesis colloquium [1 ETCS] + master thesis [13 ETCS])